California Citrus Farmer Bequests $2.8 Million to Library

On the surface, the idea of making plans for the end of one’s life seems like a grim prospect. But there are many positive and rewarding aspects to estate planning that most people don’t initially consider. One of those is deciding how others will benefit from the assets you leave behind. For example, you can … Read more

Tell Your Beneficiaries About Your Plans to Avoid Trouble Later

Many Los Angeles residents know how important it is to start planning their estates sooner rather than later. Bad things can always happen, and without the proper steps in place to unwind your estate, legal problems can unfold for years. But many people are simply too scared to begin the estate planning process because they … Read more

How Will You Pass Down Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan?

If you’ve ever had the job of acting as an executor for someone who has died, you may have had to do some digging through desk drawers, hope chests and closets to find out exactly what assets your loved one left behind. Organized estate planning aims to combat that kind of scavenger hunt, but in … Read more

Google Making It Easier for People to Tend to Digital ‘Estates’

It’s worth considering estate planning in terms of non-financial concerns: issues such as health-care planning, couples counseling and volunteering that can be squared away when thinking about a comprehensive estate planning strategy. However, there are some other “assets” that many people have that they might not think to account for. Most people these days have … Read more